Sunday, October 28, 2012

1081 loops!

So about two weeks ago I started a new shawl and this week ended up doing the edge lace. I decided to try a new way of doing it. Not in two parts but in one all the way. That means, I had to make 1081 loops right away. This was a challenge mostly because make the right number of loops and not to get lost starting with the pattern. For that, after every 100 loops I left a margin with other color of yarn. That was really helpful and made the work easier than I expected!:)

Some pics of the work.

As you see from the picture, there is another good tip I use. To get the  beginning loops bigger and even in size, I use second needle. This shawl is going to be a real beauty and I can't wait to get it ready. Hopefully today, I can but it on a frame cos Sandy the storm is coming and no outdoor activities are possible:).

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Shawl for the wedding

My dear sister got married in August and she asked a shawl for the occasion. As the nights can be cold in august allready in Estonia, I decided to make it out of Angora style yarn. Really warm. This yarn consits mostly of acryllic, but it staied in shape pretty nicely.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sofia Shawl is ready!

The whole summer has gone while not having posted anything here! Thats a shame, but I have not abandoned my passion for knitting shawls. Actually, I have been pretty busy. Many adorable shawls are waiting to show you. So, now I try to start making posts.

So fristly, Sofia that was finished in the spring (May) allready. The happy owner is in Poland. A long time friend  received it.

I knitted it with 3.00 mm needles out of Salomone merino 28/2 yarn. So soft and warm!